Protect your Business

Business is all about risks. But your willingness to take that risk paves the steps towards the success of your business. When you are planning for a business, there are thousand things going through your head. One of the important but often overlooked item is business insurance.

There are several business insurances covers available, that can give you the peace of mind that if a project doesn’t quite go to plan and you will be covered. These insurances would even make you confident in succeeding in your dream business.

Like we said, there are so many insurances available at Wehbe Insurance Services for your business; but it is not practical to purchase all of those blindly. Wehbe’s well experienced and trained insurance advisors are there to help you. They will hear you completely to understand your requirements and guide you to choose the right policy. Before going ahead with policies, you should consider several factors which could finally make you get settled with a sensible list of policies. Some of such factors are:

Considering all these factors, you can select from some of the following policies as your business requires.

  1. Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity provides you coverage against any allegation or claim being made by your clients against you for providing poor service or any negligence from your end.

If a third-party makes a claim against your business for an injury or damage happened at your workplace, a Public Liability Insurance could cover you for the legal expenses as well as the claim settlement. This policy is essential for any business that comes into contact with members of the public

If your business employs staffs; then employer’s liability insurance is a must by law. If an employee gets injured at work or becomes ill through work they are doing for you, then employers’ liability cover you against any claims being made by them.

Business interruption covers against loss of income and/or additional expenses incurred in order to continue trading due to an unforeseen incident preventing you from using your normal place of work. 

This policy is provided for defending you as a director or officer of your business against any allegations of wrongful or dishonest acts; and any damages subsequently happened. If a claim is brought against you while you are covered under director’s and officer’s insurance in place, it can cover the legal fees and other costs the organization may incur as a result of such a suit.

If you’re running a business or are about to go on board with such a venture, it is definitely worth to spare some time to get advised on the same. For the sake of a few hours of your time, and a relatively small financial outlay if you choose to take out cover, you can go a long way to protect your new business and give it a better chance of survival.

If you would like get a quick and economical insurance quote for your business, Wehbe Insurance Services is at your service either over the phone, in person or by email. Wehbe insurance Services offer a wide range of feasible policies for most businesses and even could get you covered within 24 hours.

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