How We Can Help

Liability Insurance

Liability Insurance is a must for any business and should be put in place to protect itself against the risk of liabilities imposed by lawsuits and claims made against them. We offer a wide range of General and Specialist liability insurance solutions, to cover employees, cash theft and personal or bodily injury claims. 

Liability Insurance

Employers Liability

Liability Insurance

Employers’ liability insurance is one of the main types of insurance to have if you own a business as it can pay compensation costs and your legal fees if an employee sues you for illness or injury caused by their work for a work-related illness or injury. 

If one of your employees had a simple accident it could lead to a claim and as we all know, accidents do happen, so when they do, make sure you’re protected with an employers’ liability insurance policy.

Fidelity Guarantee

Fidelity Guarantee Insurance from WEHBE Insured

Fidelity Guarantee insurance covers your business against the loss of money and or property which you may suffer as a result of a dishonest or fraudulent act by a member of staff within your company.  If your employees handle cash or goods then it makes good business sense to take out a Fidelity Guarantee Policy because in the event of an employee acting dishonestly you don’t want to be left out of pocket. Fidelity guarantee may also cover the additional cost of employing auditors to discover the theft.

Liability Insurance from WEHBE Insured
Liability Insurance Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice

Liability Insurance Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice insurance is a must if you are a person whose job involves giving medical treatment and guidance to patients. Your role is highly skilled, it’s taken you years to train, you’re very well respected and above all essential to this country’s ability to grow but it doesn’t mean you’re immune to legal action.

Want to know how we can protect you against compensation claims if a patient claims ever suffers an injury, illness or unexpected outcome as a result of treatment or advice that they have received from you.

Personal Accident

Liability Insurance Personal Accident Insurance from WEHBE Insured

Have you ever wondered what you might do if you suffer an accident or injury and it left you unable to work? By taking out a personal accident policy, If you have an accident and unable to work, you’ll get comfort knowing that your financial commitments are covered whilst you get back on your feet. It’s so simple to arrange, just contact WEHBE.

Liability Insurance Personal Accident Insurance from WEHBE Insured
Liability Insurance Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity

Liability Insurance Professional Indemnity

Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance is there to protect your business if you make a mistake in a piece of work which causes your client financial or repetitional loss.  PI insurance can cover against negligence, data loss, breach of confidential information or poor advice resulting in a financial loss for your client.

Public Liability

Liability Insurance Public Liability

The majority of businesses come in contact with the general public and with that comes risks.  Public liability insurance protects your business against compensation claims and your legal costs if you cause injury (including death) to a third party or damage to their property. 

Liability Insurance Public Liability
Liability Insurance Director and Officers

Directors and Officers

Liability Insurance Director and Officers

Directors and officers have specific duties, responsibilities and powers relating to their positions. Should a director or officer of your company be found to have acted outside of their powers then, regulatory, civil or even criminal  proceedings may be filed against them.

Directors and officers liability insurance covers the cost of defending these proceedings, as well as any compensation costs that arise from an unsuccessful defence.

Workmen Compensation

Liability Insurance Workmens compensation

Workmen Compensation cover is designed to meet the obligations under UAE Federal Law No. (8) of 1980 to cover any medical costs and a proportion of their wages if an an employee is unfit to work because of an illness or injury sustained while doing their job.

Liability Insurance Workmens compensation
Liability Insurance Key Person Key Man

Key Person

Liability Insurance Key Person Key Man

For key person insurance policies, a company purchases a life insurance policy on its key employees, and is the beneficiary of the policy.

In the event of claim due to death, the company receives the insurance payment and these funds can then be used for expenses until a replacement is found.

Having Key Person insurance gives the company additional options other than to close.